Navigating the Seas of Peri-Menopause and Menopause: A Journey of Change

As women, we embark on a transformative voyage marked by a natural biological phenomenon—peri-menopause and menopause. This inevitable transition is part of the intricate dance of hormones and bodily changes that signify the end of the reproductive years. Let's delve into this topic and unravel the mysteries of what happens before, during, and after this significant life chapter.

Before the Change: A Clockwork Cycle

Before the onset of peri-menopause, our bodies operate on a predictable 28-day cycle, akin to a well-tuned clock. Periods arrive every 28 days, lasting about 3-5 days with varying flow. Heavy flow is defined by the need to change pads or tampons frequently. The prelude to menstruation, known as PMS, brings mood swings, water retention, disrupted sleep, breast tenderness, cramping, food cravings, migraines, and digestive irregularities. These symptoms typically last 2-3 days and don't interfere significantly with daily life.

What is the difference between Peri-Menopause and Menopause


  • Age Range: Late 30s to 50s

  • Characterized by larger hormonal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone

  • Symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, anxiety, depression, weight changes, hot flashes, sleep disturbances

  • Libido: Fluctuates between higher and lower


  • Defined by 1 year without a period, happens on average around age 52

  • Marked by minimal hormonal fluctuations, mostly subsiding

  • Symptoms include weight changes, bone and muscle loss, memory changes, lighter sleep, hot flashes

  • Libido: Generally decreases

What are the effects of Estrogen and Progesterone on the Female body?


  • Facilitates blood flow, affecting memory, skin elasticity, and cardiovascular health

  • Contributes to a feeling of youthfulness and lubrication in joints and other areas


  • “Neuro-protective,” supporting brain and nerve health

  • Calming and soothing effects, promoting sleep and reducing anxiety

Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during peri-menopause can lead to symptoms resembling intense PMS, including mood and cognitive changes.

Why Do These Changes Happen? The Body Seeks Balance

The body craves order and consistency, but the hormonal ebb and flow during peri-menopause disrupt this equilibrium. Hormone levels may become lower or higher, resembling a rollercoaster. Additional hormonal changes that may start to happen include thyroid issues, elevated cortisol (stress hormone), and insulin resistance, all of which can cause weight gain, foggy brain, inflammation, restless sleep, and reduced energy.

Other Changes: A Symphony of Life Transitions

Consider the myriad of life changes converging during peri-menopause and menopause:

  • Parental responsibilities

  • Aging parents requiring care

  • Career challenges and financial pressures

  • Health concerns for oneself and one’s partner

  • Questions of femininity, societal recognition, and self-confidence

Managing all these while experiencing diminished energy, cognitive function, and restless sleep is undoubtedly a formidable task.

Factors Shaping Your Journey through Peri/Menopause

Various factors influence the nature of one's peri/menopausal experience:

  • Family history

  • Stress levels

  • Weight

  • Exercise habits

  • Diet (alcohol, sugar, processed carbs)

  • Medical history (surgeries, cancers, drugs)

  • Trauma history (physical, emotional, surgical)

Understanding these factors can guide strategies for navigating this transitional period.

What Can Be Done? Seeking Balance and Support

Regular check-ups, including blood work, are crucial to monitor changes. Both traditional and naturopathic medicine offer avenues for support during peri-menopause and menopause. Not every woman requires hormonal interventions, and natural approaches can be effective.

Managing Weight Gain from Peri-Menopause: Strategies for Well-being

Weight management becomes vital during peri-menopause. Considerations include:

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Adequate protein intake (60-90 g per day)

  • Sugar reduction

  • Stress management

Trauma: Acknowledging the Impact

Trauma, whether emotional or physical, can profoundly affect the body. Seeking professional support is essential for addressing trauma's long-term effects on mental and physical well-being.

Hot Flashes, Moods, and Sleep: Finding Equilibrium

A holistic approach involving exercise, dietary adjustments, breathing exercises, cold exposure, and herbal supplements can alleviate symptoms. Recognizing that every woman's journey is unique allows for tailored strategies.

Key Takeaways: Embracing Change with Grace

In conclusion, remember:

  • Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming.

  • Support is available, and your experience is valid.

  • Hormonal options exist, and natural remedies can complement medical interventions.

  • You DO NOT have to adjust things in all areas mentioned. Depending on where you are at, we can choose some high value target areas to create change

  • Be gentle with yourself; menopause brings forth a new version of you.

Embark on this journey with self-compassion, seeking the support and resources that resonate with your unique path through peri-menopause and menopause.

Learn more about female hormones and improving well-being in women here.

Dr. Janice Dacyshyn is available to provide naturopathic support to Edmonton and Alberta-based clients via online video and phone appointments. Click the button below to book an appointment today.