Transitioning to Fall (part 1)
In terms of Chinese Medicine, Fall is a time for change, harvesting, organizing, and letting go. It invites you to take stock and become introspective. This time can be hard for those who mourn the loss of summer and the coming weather change. Here are a few tips to make the transition to Fall and easier one.
1. Create a winter exercise plan: Anticipate moving inside by joining a gym or by scoping out exercise videos at your local library or on YouTube. Alternatively, find a group that motivates you to exercise in the dark and cold such as the November Project. Consider cross-country skiing this year. The main thing is that you find something you enjoy so that you are more likely to stick with it.
2. Plan a social activity: After a few months of summer, you may feel a little disconnected from your friends. Maybe you’ve all gone your separate ways to spend time with family, go on holidays, and take some downtime. Now is a great time to ignite old friendships by planning a get-together.
3. Start eating with the season in mind: Traditional Chinese wisdom directs us to eat less raw vegetables and fruit that we did in the Summer and start choosing more nourishing and warming foods like soups and stews. Look up and plan to try five new recipes.
4. Wear a scarf: Fall is a windy time and according to Chinese medicine, wind brings illnesses and enters our body most easily through the neck. Cover your neck and shoulders with a nice warm scarf and remain healthier through this transitional time.